Drought develops over Afghanistan and Tajikistan; early season dryness in the Gulf of Guinea region
Africa Weather Hazards
Significantly suppressed and poorly distributed seasonal rainfall since October has negatively affected many countries in southern Africa.
Exacerbated by a poor rainfall seasonal performance last year, several consecutive weeks of below-average rainfall has led to reduced water availability, permanently wilted crops, major reductions in planted areas, livestock deaths, and other adverse conditions over many areas.
Severe drought conditions are prevalent over portions of the Free State and North West Provinces of South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique, where very low seasonal rainfall and anomalously high temperatures have been continuously observed. As rainfall is expected to weaken across southern Africa during March, there remains less opportunity for moisture recovery.Combined with a poor rainy season last year, many bimodal rain areas in the Gulf of Guinea region have experienced little to rainfall since January, which has led to quickly developing moisture deficits, dried rivers, and crop losses. Forecasts indicate suppressed rainfall over the region during early March.